Saturday, August 29, 2009


"Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed." ~Irene Peter
I am a big believer in change. I'm not a big fan of change, but I am aware that it happens. Have you ever heard the saying that something is a "double-edged sword?" Well change is one of those double-edged swords. In some cases you would rather everything stay the same and then there are times that you would kill for things to be different. Change never works the way that you think it will, that is one thing that life has taught me. When you think that things are going to change dramatically they never do and when you think everything will be okay, that's when it blows up in your face. I think the biggest example about how I thought that change would be different would be a story about my best friend and I. When I told Ashley that I was gay I thought our relationship would totally change for the worst. I know what you're thinking, "If she is a true friend then why would being honest and truthful be a bad thing?" Did I happen to mention that Ashley was my girlfriend at the time? I think that might answer that question. Anyhow... so I had to tell my girlfriend and the person that I love that I am attracted to men. I thought she was going to hate me, never want to see me again for as long as we lived, and even slander my name, but she didn't. She opened her arms and hugged me. Yes, she was hurt, but she was happy for me. All she cared about was my happiness and for that I want to thank her. Now, we are still as close as ever. We talk to each other on a daily basis and our friendship is ever growing. I know for a fact that if Ashley hadn't been so understanding about the whole situation that I still wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. Ashley, if you read this (and I know you will because I'm going to tell you to... ha ha) I just want to tell you thank you for everything. You are one of my truest friends and even though some things have changed, they have all changed for the better.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lets start Blogging!

Hey Everybody! My name is Trent and I am a sophomore at UNC-Wilmington. For my English 201 class we are blogging to turn in assignments and basically do as we wish. So here is mine, obviously. There will be some posts that are assignments for class and others that I do on my own so bare with me please.
For my English class we also had to find two other blogs that we enjoyed. One that I found is called SmittenKitchen which is all about food and that is something I enjoy very much! There are recipes and the author talks about their experience with the delicious food. I will be trying a few of those out myself. The other blog that I found interesting is another persons blog on According to his site his name is Lee and he loves to take photographs which is what his blog is all about. He takes photos from some experience he had that day and then writes about it. I thought is was really cool and I might do that myself.
So... I'm done talking about my English class now lets get better acquainted. As I mentioned before my name is Trent and I'm a student at UNC-Wilmington. I'm a Math Education major and I'm starting to wonder why in the world I'm putting myself in that terrible situation. I love education and I enjoy math but I'm not sure if I will be the best "Math Teacher," but we shall see. Another important thing that you might need to know about me is that I am a gay Christian. I just recently "came out of the closet" and I am so happy that I did. My life is so much happier now that I am no longer in hiding. You might be wondering "Why did he have to hide?" so I'll also answer that question. I grew up in a very religious home and I have always been highly religious myself. Now however, I have recently found my faith. I personally do not believe that being gay is a sin and I have two reasons that I believe shows that it isn't. The first is that you don't choose to be gay. There is a big difference in sexual preference and sexual orientation. I personally didn't choose to be gay, I wouldn't change the fact that I am, but I didn't choose it. I don't see how you can be condemned for something you had no choice over. My other reason that I believe that being gay isn't a sin is because not only didn't I choose to be gay but I also can't change the fact that I am gay. Some people believe that you can go to therapy and it can be changed I have even heard about people going through electric shock therapy to change it. Every person that I have heard about that has gone through these "experiments" says that they do not work. So how can something that I didn't choose and something that I can not change be a sin? It's not and that is what I believe. I am reading this book by Mel White who is also a gay Christian called "Stranger at the Gate" and in the few chapters I have read I have learned more about myself then the rest of my 19 years combined. And I would suggest that book for anyone else who is or was struggling with homosexuality.
Well that's enough for one post... enjoy.