Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sweet Beginnings

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." ~Emily Kimbrough
So... For the last couple of posts I have been telling you about important people in my life and also different thoughts I have on different subjects but I haven't really told you about what is currently going on in my life. I have met an amazing guy! Well, I guess I can't say that I met him because I have known him since we were both little, but we just started dating. It is all a very funny story really. In our lifetimes Blake and I have had a few encounters that just weren't that memorable, well at least not in a good way. When we were around 12 or so we were in a play together. We had the same part, he played it on some days and I the others, and this one time it was my day and he decided that he was going to do it. We got in a fight (verbal, no fists or anything) and in the end I won, like I always do. Needless to say, we didn't really care for each other after that. Another funny story that I must tell is that we use to work together. I have been working at Old Navy for over two years now and he had transferred from the Gap (they are sister stores if you didn't know). We still didn't like each other. He was a big butt hole with a really bad attitude and we just never got along. In the end he went back to Gap and everything was good again at good 'ol ON. So that is enough about our past, lets get to the current stuff. He and I are both Teaching Fellows at UNCW and I am/was his mentor (now I mentor him on a few different things, wink wink). He has totally changed since a few years ago. He is so sweet and kind (he basically dropped the whole butt hole thing, well at least to me). There is never a dull moment when we are together, which is all the time. We have so much fun, I find myself just smiling just because I am with him. He is everything that I could ever want in a boyfriend and I am so happy that God has finally brought us together. That's another thing. It is really hard to find Christian boys in the gay community, or at least a boy with the same thoughts and opinions as I do. Another thing that I am really happy about is the fact that I now have someone to lean on, not that I don't have friends that I depend on, but it just isn't the same. Blake and I are in the same boat and we understand each other better than anyone else could possibly dream about. Yes, there are still several things that we are learning about each other, but all of that will come in time. I can't wait for the good times ahead of us and I know that there will be an endless amount to count.

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