Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fire Princess

"Once a Fire Princess always a Fire Princess"
~Trent Crumpler
Yesterday I went to support my best friend since fifth grade, April (she is the one holding the flowers in the picture), at the Wayne County Fire Princess Pageant. You are probably asking yourself "What in the heck is a Fire Princess?" Each year the Wayne County Fireman's Association sponsors an Annual Wayne County Fire Princess Pageant which is used to teach fire safety and prevention. Every Fire Department in the county nominates one girl to represent them (it's a small county thing). April was in the pageant last year and she won so this year she had to give up her title. I wasn't able to go last year but she really wanted me go this year so being a good friend I went and also took Blake. It was more or less interesting. Blake enjoyed it but that's because he knew some of the girls competing this year since he went to school with them last year. I on the other hand was only there for April and she did things in the pageant but she wasn't the spotlight so it wasn't as enjoyable has I had hoped. I had fun with Blake and April's did awesome but I didn't really care for the others. I did happen to learn some things though. Did you know the cobwebs can start a fire? If there are cobwebs around a light fixture they can catch on fire by the heat. I though that was very interesting and thought it would be important to inform others.

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