Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lets Fix the Problem.... not really

Chancellors Walk
Before and After
One of the problems at UNCW is our main sidewalk, Chancellors Walk, that extends through most of campus. Over the years we have had tons of drainage problems when it rained, and in Wilmington, it rains a lot. We also had tons of congestion when it came to bikes and skater boards being mixed in with people walking. As you can see in the first picture there was grass that ran in between the two sidewalks, which in my opinion looked way better than the bricks they have laid there now. The bricks were supposed to add an extra "lane" for people to walk or ride and in theory that sounds like a good idea however, people still don't use the inner lane. We all still use the same two sidewalks and the bricks stay untouched. Why do you ask? The brickwork sucks! Instead of laying down a sturdy foundation to put the bricks on they used sand, which apparently is a cheap way to go about it. The bricks now, because of erosion, aren't even and bikers and skateboards risk their lives if the tread on them. So the congestion problem, not fixed. In regards to the drainage problem, before there would only be spots where water would stand, now water stand everywhere! Before we at least grass that would suck of the water now we have to wait for the water cycle to kick in. To be truthful I don't really see the drainage problem ever really getting "fixed." Wilmington is a flat plane, not many hills for the water to run down. We are just going to find the solutions that minimizes the standing water and there new solution just isn't cutting it.
These two problems aren't the only things that need to be fixed with Chancellors Walk. I'm not even going to start about the lack of shade or that there aren't many places for people to stop and sit, which would be nice so that people who like to stop and talk could sit down on the side and not stop dead in the middle causing more congestion then the bikes and skateboards. We really need to re-do what has already been done and also do a great deal more after that. Then, and only then, will Chancellors Walk be considered a nice stroll to class not a death waiting to happen.

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