Saturday, November 7, 2009


"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."~General George S. Patton

Tonight was the first Basketball game of the season, UNCW vs. North Greenville. I of course went but not just to see the game. My boyfriend cheers for UNCW and tonight was his first game ever cheering. I am really proud of him for doing something that he has always wanted to do. Blake used to tumble when he was younger and he has always wanted to cheer but it isn't really cool for a boy to cheer in high school but every college squad loves to have guys. Anyhow... so I went to the game to support my baby and he did so good! He looked so happy doing what he once only dreamed about. We won the game something like 80 to 34. Hopefully the rest of the season will be just as victorious.

Blake is the boy in the front center :)

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