Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Supermodelquins Survived

“The typical 5 a.m. openings aren't good enough because every retailer does that on Black Friday. This has become a game of who can top this. Everyone wants to start first. It's very clear that the early bird catches the worm for consumers. So retailers are trying to catch the early consumer.”~Marshal Cohen
First I want to point out that Black Friday is the worst day in the retail world! The money is good so I guess the big "CEOs" like it but if you ever have to work it you despise it with all of your soul. This past Black Friday was the third I have ever worked and it only gets worse as the years progress. This particular Black Friday I was asked to work a double shift because a girl had quit. I being the dedicated worker that I am agreed, BIG MISTAKE!! I had to work from one in the morning to eleven and then be back in at three to one am again. It almost killed me. In the four days I was home I worked almost 40 hours. We were also open on Thanksgiving this year, guess who worked from open to close, me that's who. I'm not complaining about the big paycheck I'm about to receive but still it was a rough four days. I will say that I didn't have a mean customer this year which is odd so I am thankful for that. I now have 364 days to recuperate until next year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taste the Rainbow.

Skittles have been around for over 30 years and they are still just as good. The only thing that as changed are the different types of skittles. Original, Mixed Berry, and Tropical are the three most common but now we have Sour, Milkshake, and even Chocolate. One thing that will never change is there slogan "Taste the Rainbow." In these ads they use the same slogan but give each one a different spin depending on the type of skittle. By still keeping the slogan it gets people familiar with the product they have came to love. Also, by giving each ad a different "funny" saying it brings the buyer in. I laughed when I read each one of these ads and I know that is what they were going for. The creators of skittles know they have a good product, there only goal is to make them even better.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can't Sleep...

“There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your live those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect.”
~Nikki Giovanni

I really like that quote!!

Anyhow... I am really mad at myself. Today I had a Calculus test and my plan was to wake up early to study. I set my alarm for 8:30 thinking that I would hit the snooze button a few times and get up around 9. Not only did I not wake up at 9 I also didn't get to study. I finally rolled out of bed at 12:30!! I didn't go my 11:00 class but I'm not to upset because I never learn anything in that class but still I don't need to miss class. I went to my internship today which was great as normal but that also cut out time from my schedule. I got to study when I got back but I knew I wasn't prepared for the test. That test kicked my butt! She told us it was going to be the hardest so far and she wasn't kidding. I couldn't do like two problems at all (I did some of it though--Yay partial credit) and I know I BSed a few others. Needless to say, I think I failed. I also worked on a project for my Education Class later tonight after a PRIDE meeting. Now I'm sitting in my room watching Blake sleep very peacefully. I don't know how he is asleep, he woke up at the same time I did but yet he went to sleep like two hours ago-ish. Well I'm glad one of us can sleep. The beauty of it all is that I got a blog done. Yay!! I think I might go force myself to sleep now...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."~General George S. Patton

Tonight was the first Basketball game of the season, UNCW vs. North Greenville. I of course went but not just to see the game. My boyfriend cheers for UNCW and tonight was his first game ever cheering. I am really proud of him for doing something that he has always wanted to do. Blake used to tumble when he was younger and he has always wanted to cheer but it isn't really cool for a boy to cheer in high school but every college squad loves to have guys. Anyhow... so I went to the game to support my baby and he did so good! He looked so happy doing what he once only dreamed about. We won the game something like 80 to 34. Hopefully the rest of the season will be just as victorious.

Blake is the boy in the front center :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

He is still there

“Life is one of those precious fleeting gifts, and everything can change in a heartbeat."~ Unknown
Isn't it funny how everything can change overnight? When you finally feel like you got a hold of everything and everything is going smoothly, change hits you like a ton of bricks. The last couple of days have been extremely rough for me. People have always told me that if you haven't had a hard time yet just wait because it is coming, well my time is unfortunately here. I'm not going to go into details, I don't want this to be a pity party, I just want to tell you what I have learned. Sometimes things change. People change, situations change, friendships changes, everything changes. Yes, it is hard at first and can cut you really deep but eventually everything gets better. Sometimes you can go back to the ways things were and sometimes it's better to start fresh but either way it gets better. I have also learned, well it is something I always knew but never had to fall back on, that regardless of what happens you will always have someone. God never leaves you. When you think you have been abandoned by all your loves ones, He is still there. When times are hard and you don't see a way up, He is still there. He will never abandon you, He will never blame you, He will not judge your mistakes, and He will always love you.
The last couple of months have been a trial in my life. I have been trying to figure out who I am and what my purpose here is and the last week has helped me in ways I didn't expect. A huge part of my life as been taken away from me and with that a large section of my heart has gone also. Times are rough and they only get harder but with God all things will be made right. I have total faith in Him that He will help me in my current situation. I'm sure that this will turn into a starting anew. Things will never go back to the way they used to be, and I don't believe I want them to. I have always been afraid of change and I don't think that I will ever be a fan but sometimes change is essential. I am getting used to the changes that life trows at me and I am putting all my faith in the God that I love and adore.
I want to thank those involved in this current situation. Each one of you have made a lasting impression in my life and I love you for that. The memories that I have shared with you will always be things I cherish the most and for those I am grateful. My prayers and love go out to every single one of you and I hope these current changes benefit you as much as they have benefited me. Thank you for helping me get back into the place I needed to be, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I love you all with all my heart and there will not be a day that goes by that I don't think of you.
I also want to thank the people who have supported me these past couple of days. I couldn't help but shed some tears and I'm sure there are more tears to come and I am glad that I had y'all there to cry on. I love each one of you and that will also never change.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tired of the Tears

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

What do you do when the ones that you love are the ones causing all the tears?


“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Over the last couple of days I have been paying special attention the the words I use and the way I use them. I am a person who doesn't use a very "formal" type of language I speak some slang and some words that only my friends understand. My informal language also spills over in my writing. No, I don't use slang and other can understand my writing besides my friends but I write just like I talk. I have never really understood when people write so formally. We write to express our thoughts on a matter or a subject so shouldn't we use our normal language to express our thoughts? I have had some teachers who love the way I write and other totally hate it but for me it works.
One thing that I have thought about while I was examining my words is that I really want to put my thoughts and opinions into action. It is one thing to say something but until you put those saying into actions they are nothing but letters and phrases. One of my goals is to help people in anyway I possibly can. The other day a friend of mine asked me if she could vent to me. It took me off guard, not that she wanted to vent but that she wanted to do it with me. We aren't like best friends, we sit together in one of our classes but other than that we are complete strangers. It made me feel good that she knew she could talk to me and I would listen and help as best as I could. That lets me know that the words I say and the actions that go along with them are working for good.