Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Supermodelquins Survived

“The typical 5 a.m. openings aren't good enough because every retailer does that on Black Friday. This has become a game of who can top this. Everyone wants to start first. It's very clear that the early bird catches the worm for consumers. So retailers are trying to catch the early consumer.”~Marshal Cohen
First I want to point out that Black Friday is the worst day in the retail world! The money is good so I guess the big "CEOs" like it but if you ever have to work it you despise it with all of your soul. This past Black Friday was the third I have ever worked and it only gets worse as the years progress. This particular Black Friday I was asked to work a double shift because a girl had quit. I being the dedicated worker that I am agreed, BIG MISTAKE!! I had to work from one in the morning to eleven and then be back in at three to one am again. It almost killed me. In the four days I was home I worked almost 40 hours. We were also open on Thanksgiving this year, guess who worked from open to close, me that's who. I'm not complaining about the big paycheck I'm about to receive but still it was a rough four days. I will say that I didn't have a mean customer this year which is odd so I am thankful for that. I now have 364 days to recuperate until next year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taste the Rainbow.

Skittles have been around for over 30 years and they are still just as good. The only thing that as changed are the different types of skittles. Original, Mixed Berry, and Tropical are the three most common but now we have Sour, Milkshake, and even Chocolate. One thing that will never change is there slogan "Taste the Rainbow." In these ads they use the same slogan but give each one a different spin depending on the type of skittle. By still keeping the slogan it gets people familiar with the product they have came to love. Also, by giving each ad a different "funny" saying it brings the buyer in. I laughed when I read each one of these ads and I know that is what they were going for. The creators of skittles know they have a good product, there only goal is to make them even better.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can't Sleep...

“There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your live those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect.”
~Nikki Giovanni

I really like that quote!!

Anyhow... I am really mad at myself. Today I had a Calculus test and my plan was to wake up early to study. I set my alarm for 8:30 thinking that I would hit the snooze button a few times and get up around 9. Not only did I not wake up at 9 I also didn't get to study. I finally rolled out of bed at 12:30!! I didn't go my 11:00 class but I'm not to upset because I never learn anything in that class but still I don't need to miss class. I went to my internship today which was great as normal but that also cut out time from my schedule. I got to study when I got back but I knew I wasn't prepared for the test. That test kicked my butt! She told us it was going to be the hardest so far and she wasn't kidding. I couldn't do like two problems at all (I did some of it though--Yay partial credit) and I know I BSed a few others. Needless to say, I think I failed. I also worked on a project for my Education Class later tonight after a PRIDE meeting. Now I'm sitting in my room watching Blake sleep very peacefully. I don't know how he is asleep, he woke up at the same time I did but yet he went to sleep like two hours ago-ish. Well I'm glad one of us can sleep. The beauty of it all is that I got a blog done. Yay!! I think I might go force myself to sleep now...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."~General George S. Patton

Tonight was the first Basketball game of the season, UNCW vs. North Greenville. I of course went but not just to see the game. My boyfriend cheers for UNCW and tonight was his first game ever cheering. I am really proud of him for doing something that he has always wanted to do. Blake used to tumble when he was younger and he has always wanted to cheer but it isn't really cool for a boy to cheer in high school but every college squad loves to have guys. Anyhow... so I went to the game to support my baby and he did so good! He looked so happy doing what he once only dreamed about. We won the game something like 80 to 34. Hopefully the rest of the season will be just as victorious.

Blake is the boy in the front center :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

He is still there

“Life is one of those precious fleeting gifts, and everything can change in a heartbeat."~ Unknown
Isn't it funny how everything can change overnight? When you finally feel like you got a hold of everything and everything is going smoothly, change hits you like a ton of bricks. The last couple of days have been extremely rough for me. People have always told me that if you haven't had a hard time yet just wait because it is coming, well my time is unfortunately here. I'm not going to go into details, I don't want this to be a pity party, I just want to tell you what I have learned. Sometimes things change. People change, situations change, friendships changes, everything changes. Yes, it is hard at first and can cut you really deep but eventually everything gets better. Sometimes you can go back to the ways things were and sometimes it's better to start fresh but either way it gets better. I have also learned, well it is something I always knew but never had to fall back on, that regardless of what happens you will always have someone. God never leaves you. When you think you have been abandoned by all your loves ones, He is still there. When times are hard and you don't see a way up, He is still there. He will never abandon you, He will never blame you, He will not judge your mistakes, and He will always love you.
The last couple of months have been a trial in my life. I have been trying to figure out who I am and what my purpose here is and the last week has helped me in ways I didn't expect. A huge part of my life as been taken away from me and with that a large section of my heart has gone also. Times are rough and they only get harder but with God all things will be made right. I have total faith in Him that He will help me in my current situation. I'm sure that this will turn into a starting anew. Things will never go back to the way they used to be, and I don't believe I want them to. I have always been afraid of change and I don't think that I will ever be a fan but sometimes change is essential. I am getting used to the changes that life trows at me and I am putting all my faith in the God that I love and adore.
I want to thank those involved in this current situation. Each one of you have made a lasting impression in my life and I love you for that. The memories that I have shared with you will always be things I cherish the most and for those I am grateful. My prayers and love go out to every single one of you and I hope these current changes benefit you as much as they have benefited me. Thank you for helping me get back into the place I needed to be, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I love you all with all my heart and there will not be a day that goes by that I don't think of you.
I also want to thank the people who have supported me these past couple of days. I couldn't help but shed some tears and I'm sure there are more tears to come and I am glad that I had y'all there to cry on. I love each one of you and that will also never change.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tired of the Tears

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

What do you do when the ones that you love are the ones causing all the tears?


“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Over the last couple of days I have been paying special attention the the words I use and the way I use them. I am a person who doesn't use a very "formal" type of language I speak some slang and some words that only my friends understand. My informal language also spills over in my writing. No, I don't use slang and other can understand my writing besides my friends but I write just like I talk. I have never really understood when people write so formally. We write to express our thoughts on a matter or a subject so shouldn't we use our normal language to express our thoughts? I have had some teachers who love the way I write and other totally hate it but for me it works.
One thing that I have thought about while I was examining my words is that I really want to put my thoughts and opinions into action. It is one thing to say something but until you put those saying into actions they are nothing but letters and phrases. One of my goals is to help people in anyway I possibly can. The other day a friend of mine asked me if she could vent to me. It took me off guard, not that she wanted to vent but that she wanted to do it with me. We aren't like best friends, we sit together in one of our classes but other than that we are complete strangers. It made me feel good that she knew she could talk to me and I would listen and help as best as I could. That lets me know that the words I say and the actions that go along with them are working for good.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


"As human beings, we must realize that we all share the same basic desires for happiness and meaning in our lives. No one should suffer discrimination because we choose different paths to achieve these common goals." ~Mariam Rahmani

We all take different roads that make us happy and no road is shared completely. People might walk beside you for a little while but eventually there will be a fork in the path and the two might leave one another. I believe that people should be allowed to make their own choices and they shouldn't be discriminated because of those choices. I also think that it is really ignorant to discriminate people who have no choice over the matter they are being discriminated on but that is another story. No two people are alike. We look different, we sound different and we even think differently. I believe that those differences should not be discriminated on but the polar opposite, we should want to learn from others and praise them for being who they are or who they choose to be.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Faith

We live by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
For English we have to define our religion or spirituality. I have kind of answered this question before but I'm going to go in more detail now. I grew up in a very religious home, I was at Church everyday that the doors were open. The foundation that I formed as a child still goes with me today but now somethings about me have changed. My Faith is one of the biggest things that has changed in my life. My religion was one thing that kept me in the closet, actually, it was the only thing that kept me in the closet. I had always been told that homosexuals were condemned to hell and I believed that growing up. I had always gone by what I was told but know I go by what I believe. I have Faith in my God when it comes to my sexual orientation. I know that he created me the way that I am to make a difference in someone else's life. I am still trying to figure some things out but the one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt. I am a follower of Christ and I know that I will walk with Him in Heaven. I am gay Christan and proud of both aspects of my life, my sexual orientation and my religion.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fire Princess

"Once a Fire Princess always a Fire Princess"
~Trent Crumpler
Yesterday I went to support my best friend since fifth grade, April (she is the one holding the flowers in the picture), at the Wayne County Fire Princess Pageant. You are probably asking yourself "What in the heck is a Fire Princess?" Each year the Wayne County Fireman's Association sponsors an Annual Wayne County Fire Princess Pageant which is used to teach fire safety and prevention. Every Fire Department in the county nominates one girl to represent them (it's a small county thing). April was in the pageant last year and she won so this year she had to give up her title. I wasn't able to go last year but she really wanted me go this year so being a good friend I went and also took Blake. It was more or less interesting. Blake enjoyed it but that's because he knew some of the girls competing this year since he went to school with them last year. I on the other hand was only there for April and she did things in the pageant but she wasn't the spotlight so it wasn't as enjoyable has I had hoped. I had fun with Blake and April's did awesome but I didn't really care for the others. I did happen to learn some things though. Did you know the cobwebs can start a fire? If there are cobwebs around a light fixture they can catch on fire by the heat. I though that was very interesting and thought it would be important to inform others.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Trent = Slacker

"Never put off til tomorrow what can be put off til the day after tomorrow"
~Rob Sweatman
So the past few days I have gone to blog and then I just haven't. I would log into blogger and even hit "New Post" and then I would just close back out, I just haven't been motivated to do anything the last couple of days. Anyhow... Today was a great day so far. My English class was canceled which made me extremely happy. Not that I don't enjoy my English class, it is like my favorite class this year, but I had the chance to sleep in today and that was amazing! I slept until 10 and didn't get out of bed until 11, I was in desperate need of that. Yesterday I had to wake up at 7 so I could go student intern in my First Grade class and I didn't stop until 12 last night. It was just a long day but it was a good day all the same. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy. I have two tests next week and then another test the week after. I should really start studying but as the title says, I'm a slacker and I most likely won't study anytime soon. I should really work on this whole "slacker thing" but when you have been doing something for almost five years, it's kinda hard to change your ways.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Emotional Break

Opposition is not necessarily enmity; it is merely misused and made an occasion for enmity.
~Sigmund Freud

So for the past few days we were off from school for Fall Break. I really wasn't looking forward to going home for the fact that my mother isn't very understanding about my sexual orientation. One way that I escape my house and my mother is by going to work so I had already been put on the schedule for the few days that I would be there. Going home also meant another thing this particular week, it was as the first time that Blake and I were away from each other for an extended amount of time. If you don't remember Blake and I are from the same town and we also go to Wilmington together. Even though we do live in the same town there is one thing in the way of us spending time together and her name is Mawan. I don't know what it is about all of these crazy mothers. I had always heard that the father was always the one who always against their son being gay but apparently there is something in the water in Goldsboro because it is the complete opposite in our case. Anyhow... to make a long story short, I did what I do best and got all emotional. I just hit me that I would probably never be able to be a part of Blake's family. Never be invited to Thanksgiving Dinner or Christmas Day and that in my mind was hard to chew. I had told a few of my friends and they understood what I was saying but I didn't tell Blake right away, I didn't want to do all of this on the phone. We had a date planned for Monday night so that was when I was going to spill my guts to him. We went to a movie and then took Starbucks to the park. I told him everything that was on my mind and he was so amazing. I have basically found out that I want to marry this boy. He comforted me and also cleared my mind which is a really hard thing to do sometimes. He told me that it didn't matter what his mother or anyone else thought and as long as we had each other we would be fine. He did say that this year probably wouldn't be the best for me to show up for the holidays, but we shall see what happens. Here is my final thought, being gay brings a ton of baggage. If it is family members that are against you or a random woman who calls your manager to complain that one of her workers was kissing his boyfriend in the store (yes, that also happened to me this past weekend but that is another story), there will always be opposition. I know we all go through opposition and as long as we have someone to love and help us in those hard times, we will all be okay.

I love you Blake and thank you for being there when I really need you. I can't wait for the times to come and I know that I can overcome anything as long as we have each other.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lets Fix the Problem.... not really

Chancellors Walk
Before and After
One of the problems at UNCW is our main sidewalk, Chancellors Walk, that extends through most of campus. Over the years we have had tons of drainage problems when it rained, and in Wilmington, it rains a lot. We also had tons of congestion when it came to bikes and skater boards being mixed in with people walking. As you can see in the first picture there was grass that ran in between the two sidewalks, which in my opinion looked way better than the bricks they have laid there now. The bricks were supposed to add an extra "lane" for people to walk or ride and in theory that sounds like a good idea however, people still don't use the inner lane. We all still use the same two sidewalks and the bricks stay untouched. Why do you ask? The brickwork sucks! Instead of laying down a sturdy foundation to put the bricks on they used sand, which apparently is a cheap way to go about it. The bricks now, because of erosion, aren't even and bikers and skateboards risk their lives if the tread on them. So the congestion problem, not fixed. In regards to the drainage problem, before there would only be spots where water would stand, now water stand everywhere! Before we at least grass that would suck of the water now we have to wait for the water cycle to kick in. To be truthful I don't really see the drainage problem ever really getting "fixed." Wilmington is a flat plane, not many hills for the water to run down. We are just going to find the solutions that minimizes the standing water and there new solution just isn't cutting it.
These two problems aren't the only things that need to be fixed with Chancellors Walk. I'm not even going to start about the lack of shade or that there aren't many places for people to stop and sit, which would be nice so that people who like to stop and talk could sit down on the side and not stop dead in the middle causing more congestion then the bikes and skateboards. We really need to re-do what has already been done and also do a great deal more after that. Then, and only then, will Chancellors Walk be considered a nice stroll to class not a death waiting to happen.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Death Comes Late

Patrick Swayze: August 18, 1952 – September 14, 2009

In class we are talking about evaluation arguments. As an assignment we had to research a famous person who had passed away are read their obituary, which is a prime example of a evaluation argument.

Patrick Swayze played one of main roles in several movies, Ghost and Dirty Dancing have to be his most known, he also was a song writer and singer. Not only did he do things on the big screen but he also played a role as a FBI agent in a television series. People magazine named Swayze the "Sexiest Man Alive" in 1991 which I believe everyone can understand. Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2008. He continued acting until 2009, when he became too ill to do so.

Patrick Swayze was a great actor and song writer and will be greatly missed. My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends in their time of loss.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sweet Beginnings

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." ~Emily Kimbrough
So... For the last couple of posts I have been telling you about important people in my life and also different thoughts I have on different subjects but I haven't really told you about what is currently going on in my life. I have met an amazing guy! Well, I guess I can't say that I met him because I have known him since we were both little, but we just started dating. It is all a very funny story really. In our lifetimes Blake and I have had a few encounters that just weren't that memorable, well at least not in a good way. When we were around 12 or so we were in a play together. We had the same part, he played it on some days and I the others, and this one time it was my day and he decided that he was going to do it. We got in a fight (verbal, no fists or anything) and in the end I won, like I always do. Needless to say, we didn't really care for each other after that. Another funny story that I must tell is that we use to work together. I have been working at Old Navy for over two years now and he had transferred from the Gap (they are sister stores if you didn't know). We still didn't like each other. He was a big butt hole with a really bad attitude and we just never got along. In the end he went back to Gap and everything was good again at good 'ol ON. So that is enough about our past, lets get to the current stuff. He and I are both Teaching Fellows at UNCW and I am/was his mentor (now I mentor him on a few different things, wink wink). He has totally changed since a few years ago. He is so sweet and kind (he basically dropped the whole butt hole thing, well at least to me). There is never a dull moment when we are together, which is all the time. We have so much fun, I find myself just smiling just because I am with him. He is everything that I could ever want in a boyfriend and I am so happy that God has finally brought us together. That's another thing. It is really hard to find Christian boys in the gay community, or at least a boy with the same thoughts and opinions as I do. Another thing that I am really happy about is the fact that I now have someone to lean on, not that I don't have friends that I depend on, but it just isn't the same. Blake and I are in the same boat and we understand each other better than anyone else could possibly dream about. Yes, there are still several things that we are learning about each other, but all of that will come in time. I can't wait for the good times ahead of us and I know that there will be an endless amount to count.


Genesis 11
"God Turned Their Language into 'Babble'"
1-2 At one time, the whole Earth spoke the same language. It so happened that as they moved out of the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled down.
3 They said to one another, "Come, let's make bricks and fire them well." They used brick for stone and tar for mortar.
4 Then they said, "Come, let's build ourselves a city and a tower that reaches Heaven. Let's make ourselves famous so we won't be scattered here and there across the Earth."
5 God came down to look over the city and the tower those people had built.
6-9 God took one look and said, "One people, one language; why, this is only a first step. No telling what they'll come up with next—they'll stop at nothing! Come, we'll go down and garble their speech so they won't understand each other." Then God scattered them from there all over the world. And they had to quit building the city. That's how it came to be called Babel, because there God turned their language into "babble." From there God scattered them all over the world.

Have you ever realized how many different languages there are in the world? Heck, have you ever realized haw many different kinds there are of one language? In my English class we read a essay called "Mother Tongue" which was about a Asian American who's mother spoke really horrible English. Most people call that type of English "broken English" but I personally agree with the author when she proves that it isn't broken, it is just a different type. At my job I speak to people all the time who don't speak the best English. It always would irritate me that I couldn't understand them or how they couldn't quite process what I was saying to them. I used to say, "If you are going to come to our country, learn the language," now my thoughts are a little different. I totally understand the frustration that comes with not understanding someone. There is like an invisible barrier between the two people that neither of them can overcome. From now on I am going to practice tolerance when it comes to those situations. It is something that we can't change and there's no reason to get worked up over something that you can't change. I am also going to look at this curse of different tongues as a blessing. With each different language there is a different culture, a different past, and a different story and I would love to be enlightened in those differences.
Now that I have talked about other people, I want to talk about myself (something that I really enjoy). I was at one of my jobs when I started writing this post and it made me think about the different Englishes I use. For those of you who don't know I work for the University Call Center here at UNCW. I call parents and alumni and ask them to donate money to the college. Well tonight I was calling alumni, some from the years 1980-89 and also more recent graduates from the last two years. I found my English was a little different when talking to these two totally different groups of people. With the older alum I was speaking in a more formal English. Making sure that I say everything correctly and not using slang words that I would normally use. With the recent grads I talked like they were more friends or other peers. I believe that when you speak to different ages you use a different English. I know that I wouldn't go up to my Nana and say "What up girl? How you be doin'?" but I would definitely say that to one of my friends. Different ages expect you to talk and carry yourself in a different way so you have to speak different Englishes to meet those expectations.

Monday, September 7, 2009


“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."
~Helen Keller
To start off, I just want to say that people really annoy me! The other day my boyfriend and I went shopping at the mall and if looks could kill... I'm sorry, people need to grow up. I realize that our relationship isn't what society believes is "normal" but still that doesn't give people the right to be hateful. I'm trying to be the better man in these types of situations, even though I would rather just return the hatred. I've come to the conclusion that this is part of my growth and development. I refuse to change who I am or what I believe because of ignorance. I am going to keep going strong and being who I am and not let others change me.
For my upcoming paper for my English class I want to find an argument about gay marriage. I want to look more in detail with how people view the topic and tell people how I feel about the matter. Who knows, maybe I can even change a few "ignorant minds" in the process.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

As Time Moves On

“Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.”~ Anonymous
In a person's lifetime they will meet a great deal of different people. Most of those people will come and go without much of an impact but there will be a few that change your life forever. I personally take relationships I have with people for granted. I never really appreciate them for everything they do for me. I would like to change that now. There are a few people currently in my life that I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them. I have already told you about Ashley in the post prior to this one so now I would like to tell you about another one of my best friends Sarah.
Sarah and I met at UNC-W and we have been through a ton in the little bit of time we have known each other. We have laughed together in the good times and cried together in the bad times. Each new experience that we have encountered has just brought us closer. Sarah was the first person I ever told my deep secret to (she says she deserves a metal). She told me that she had always known but she wanted me to confide in her when I was ready. That I believe makes a good friend. Someone who knows everything about you even when you're not quite sure yourself and helps you when you finally come around. When I told Sarah she just hugged me, there were some tears involved on my half but she was all smiles. She told me that she was proud of me and that she would always love me, we then proceeded to talk about cute boys (ha-ha-ha). That night changed our relationship the most and I am so happy that she was the first person I told. Sarah is one of the most amazing people that I have ever met and without her I know my life wouldn't be a happy.
Thank you Sarah for all that you have done for me, for what you are currently doing for me, and for all the things to come. You are one of my rocks and I hope that I am the same for you. Love you always.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


"Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed." ~Irene Peter
I am a big believer in change. I'm not a big fan of change, but I am aware that it happens. Have you ever heard the saying that something is a "double-edged sword?" Well change is one of those double-edged swords. In some cases you would rather everything stay the same and then there are times that you would kill for things to be different. Change never works the way that you think it will, that is one thing that life has taught me. When you think that things are going to change dramatically they never do and when you think everything will be okay, that's when it blows up in your face. I think the biggest example about how I thought that change would be different would be a story about my best friend and I. When I told Ashley that I was gay I thought our relationship would totally change for the worst. I know what you're thinking, "If she is a true friend then why would being honest and truthful be a bad thing?" Did I happen to mention that Ashley was my girlfriend at the time? I think that might answer that question. Anyhow... so I had to tell my girlfriend and the person that I love that I am attracted to men. I thought she was going to hate me, never want to see me again for as long as we lived, and even slander my name, but she didn't. She opened her arms and hugged me. Yes, she was hurt, but she was happy for me. All she cared about was my happiness and for that I want to thank her. Now, we are still as close as ever. We talk to each other on a daily basis and our friendship is ever growing. I know for a fact that if Ashley hadn't been so understanding about the whole situation that I still wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. Ashley, if you read this (and I know you will because I'm going to tell you to... ha ha) I just want to tell you thank you for everything. You are one of my truest friends and even though some things have changed, they have all changed for the better.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lets start Blogging!

Hey Everybody! My name is Trent and I am a sophomore at UNC-Wilmington. For my English 201 class we are blogging to turn in assignments and basically do as we wish. So here is mine, obviously. There will be some posts that are assignments for class and others that I do on my own so bare with me please.
For my English class we also had to find two other blogs that we enjoyed. One that I found is called SmittenKitchen which is all about food and that is something I enjoy very much! There are recipes and the author talks about their experience with the delicious food. I will be trying a few of those out myself. The other blog that I found interesting is another persons blog on blogspot.com. According to his site his name is Lee and he loves to take photographs which is what his blog is all about. He takes photos from some experience he had that day and then writes about it. I thought is was really cool and I might do that myself.
So... I'm done talking about my English class now lets get better acquainted. As I mentioned before my name is Trent and I'm a student at UNC-Wilmington. I'm a Math Education major and I'm starting to wonder why in the world I'm putting myself in that terrible situation. I love education and I enjoy math but I'm not sure if I will be the best "Math Teacher," but we shall see. Another important thing that you might need to know about me is that I am a gay Christian. I just recently "came out of the closet" and I am so happy that I did. My life is so much happier now that I am no longer in hiding. You might be wondering "Why did he have to hide?" so I'll also answer that question. I grew up in a very religious home and I have always been highly religious myself. Now however, I have recently found my faith. I personally do not believe that being gay is a sin and I have two reasons that I believe shows that it isn't. The first is that you don't choose to be gay. There is a big difference in sexual preference and sexual orientation. I personally didn't choose to be gay, I wouldn't change the fact that I am, but I didn't choose it. I don't see how you can be condemned for something you had no choice over. My other reason that I believe that being gay isn't a sin is because not only didn't I choose to be gay but I also can't change the fact that I am gay. Some people believe that you can go to therapy and it can be changed I have even heard about people going through electric shock therapy to change it. Every person that I have heard about that has gone through these "experiments" says that they do not work. So how can something that I didn't choose and something that I can not change be a sin? It's not and that is what I believe. I am reading this book by Mel White who is also a gay Christian called "Stranger at the Gate" and in the few chapters I have read I have learned more about myself then the rest of my 19 years combined. And I would suggest that book for anyone else who is or was struggling with homosexuality.
Well that's enough for one post... enjoy.